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Mirqat al-Wusul ila ‘Ilm al-Usul

£449.00 or £50.00 / month for 10 months

مرقاة الوصول إلى علم الأصول

In this intermediate-level course in Hanafi Legal Theory (usul al-fiqh), students will dive into an in-depth study of Mulla Khusro’s famed primer, Mirqat al-Wusul ila ‘Ilm al-Usul, which was subject to tens of commentaries and glosses amongst the Ottoman scholarly class given that it was a standard madrasa textbook. As he masterfully does in his Durar, the author brings together many issues, summarising them as well as responding to common objections. Students will study this text in detail covering issues discussed in Mulla Khusro’s Mir’at al-Usul as well.


Description: Recordings, resources, the course text, and access to the Telegram group and forum, will be available to registered students. This course is taught in Arabic, but questions, comments and discussions from the student can be posed in English.

الوصف: هذه المجالس تعقد لقراءة شرح مرقاة الأصول، لشيخ الإسلام ملا خسر (ت. 885هـ)، وهو متن شرحه المصنف، وله عشرات الحواشي والشروح والمنظومات، وقد اهتمت به المدارس تدريسا وشرحا زمانا طويلًا، كونه مع شرحه مرآة الأصول يلخص قدرًا كبيرا من المسائل الواردة في كتب الأصول الحنفية، ويورد أهم المناقشات والأجوبة التي جرى الكلام حولها.

الهدف من الدرس: يركز الدرس على تصورات المسائل، وأدلتها. ويهدف إلى الوقوف على أبرز النقاشات والأجوبة الواردة في الكتاب، مع الوقوف على علاقة الكتاب بمصادره المختلفة.

Author: Mulla Khusro Muhammad b. Firamuz (d. 885)

Instructor: Shaykh Muhammad Yasir Shahin

Muhammed Yasir Shahin is a Researcher at the ISAM Centre for Islamic Studies in Istanbul and a PhD student in Islamic Law. He completed his undergraduate studies at Tripoli University in Lebanon, and studied Law and Sharia at al-Azhar University in Cairo. He obtained his Master’s degree in Islamic Law at Fatih Sultan Mehmet University in Istanbul with the thesis entitled, “The Jurisprudential Difference Between the Hanafi Jurists of Iraq and the Transoxiana”. Muhammed Shahin pursues research about Hanafi approaches to both fiqh and usul al-fiqh, and studies fundamental manuscripts that belong to the Hanafi school. He has edited several rare manuscripts, such as al-Qudurī’s (d. 428/1037) al-Taqrīb.

Time: 2.30pm EST | 7.30pm BST | 5.30am AEST (1.5-2 Hours)

Frequency: Fridays (Weekly)

Starting: 28th April 2023

Length of Course: ~60 Weeks (exc. scheduled breaks)

Language of Instruction: Arabic

Prerequisites: A complete study of at least one full primer (matn) in Hanafi Legal Theory, such as Manar al-Anwar, Usul al-Shashi or similar. Arabic language comprehension is also a requirement.

Level: Intermediate

Payment Plans: If you need to subscribe to a payment plan, please use the Stripe option at checkout. PayPal is not an option for subscriptions.

Topics: The Qur’an, Sunna, Ijma‘ and Qiyas.