Description: The purpose of this study is to learn and understand the rules and logic of the Hanafi school through a full study of the law. The class will be presentation-based, utilising Imam Mustafa b. Ahmad al-Asqati’s Kifayat al-Mubtadi – which is one of the shortest, reliable, full primers (mutun) in the Hanafi school – as its foundation and core. Recordings will be available, as well as a class forum and a dedicated Telegram group for questions and discussions. The class is suitable for beginner students with no prior study, those looking to review or refresh their knowledge, and also more seasoned students if they are interested in the contents and approach. Please note that this course has now ended and registration provides you with access to the recordings and resources.
Author: Tabraze Azam | Mustafa b. Ahmad al-Asqati
Instructor: Tabraze Azam
Time: –
Frequency: –
Starting: –
Length of course: 80 Lessons / ~ 70 Hours
Prerequisites: None
Level: Beginner (This is a level one text).
Payment Plans: If you need to subscribe to a payment plan, please use the Stripe option at checkout. PayPal is not an option for subscriptions.
Topics: Laws of Worship, the Family, Transactions, Governance, the Judiciary, International Relations & Propriety